Gang Free Inc.

  • The Mission of this entity is β€œto educate & empower individuals to live a life liberated of crime through innovative programming & services

    The Legal structure of Gang Free Inc. is a Non-Profit Incorporation with a 501C3 tax exempt status.Gang Free Inc. is a social assistance sub-sector. Gang Free Inc. will serve a unique population of at-risk youth who are socially and/or economically disadvantaged as well as ex-offenders who are having challenges in transitioning back into the community. In Vance County there is a direct relationship with dropout rates, crime and recidivism. Gang Free Inc. will assist local school systems and law enforcement in creating a crime free community.

    Gang Free Inc. desires to break the cycle of crime and recidivism through a continuum of services and programming.The staff at Gang Free Inc. will be educated and experienced to assist individuals in getting their "AHA" moment that will catapult their lives to success.

  • Description text goes hereGang & Bullying Prevention workshops, programs & presentations


    Youth Violence Reduction Program

    Literacy program

    Chess Club

    "TAG" Teens Against Gangs

    Computer Lab

    " The Truth about drugs" education

    Draw the Line Respect the Line (Abstinence, pregnancy prevention)

    After school programs

    Tutorial services

  • Re-entry and transition services, court advocacy

    Cognitive Behavior Intervention

    English as a second language

    GED & Adult Basic Skills

    Case Management assessment /planning